Mopac - Company & company history

Seven decades of experience in the development and manufacture of plastic packaging. 100% customer oriented. 100% Swiss.

We combine our skills to produce in the desired quality, efficiently and quickly. The demands of our customers and reliability are precious values. With this awareness we go about our work as a well-rehearsed team day after day.

MOPAC: a Swiss success story

In its infancy MOPAC was called «Kleinkisten AG». In 1952 Charles A. Winkelmann set up machines in the basement of his home to make wooden boxes. Winkelmann’s plan worked. The business flourished. Ten years later, the first thermoforming machine went into operation to produce plastic inserts for the wooden crates.

The term «Kleinkisten AG» no longer defined what the company produced. Therefore the name was adapted to Mopac, modern packaging.

After turbulent years, in 2016 Hans Ueli Müller helped the company to a new beginning. The future of the new Mopac Wasen AG was secured with painful cuts in staff numbers, a focus on high margin products and the closure of the Eriswil location. Thanks to highly motivated employees, a great deal of commitment and foresight, things are moving forward strongly, successfully and quickly.

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